We’re thrilled to announce that three projects of ours have won MSCA STARR Awards this year! We provided land surveying, civil engineering, and landscape architecture services for the Woodbury Retail and Calhoun Village projects and we did construction staking for the new WhirlyBall facility in Bloomington.
Calhoun Village, Minneapolis
The Calhoun Village renovation project won in the Exterior Retail over 20,000 SF in the Design & Aesthetics Renovation/Remodel category.
We worked with Doran to revamp the entire exterior of the property, providing land surveying, civil engineering, and landscape architecture design services. Key elements of the design include the addition of a more pronounced entry sequence with enhanced aesthetics and a dedicated bike lane connecting a nearby trail to Bde Maka Ska. Additional outdoor seating and amenity areas were also added with this redesign.
The former site was not in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and needed to be reconstructed in order to do so. There were significant environmental and geotechnical issues that limited our ability to adjust the grading and avoid significant cost and project delays. We worked with our clients to develop a phasing plan which allowed the shopping center to be fully operational throughout the entire construction process.

Woodbury Retail, Woodbury
The Woodbury Retail development (also known as 700 Commons) won in the 10,000-25,000 SF New Construction category.
We worked alongside DJR Architecture to redevelop the former 2.5-acre Craft Kitchen site by removing the existing building and parking lot, and constructed three new buildings totaling over 13,500 SF. This project includes a restaurant drive-through, outdoor seating areas, bike racks, and an animal waste station.
We provided land surveying, civil engineering, and landscape architecture design services.
A detailed landscaping and tree replacement plan was created due to the site’s grading that was necessary to accommodate the redevelopment; much of the existing tree cover was removed and replaced with this project. The landscaping plan identifies a mix of coniferous, deciduous over-story, and ornamental trees. There were 46 trees planted for the subject property, as well as close to 300 shrubs and perennials. The plantings for the site complement the building’s design and adds an additional screening of the parking areas from the surrounding uses.
Stormwater management was a challenge for this tight site as it had two distinct components: quality and quantity. Both quality and quantity requirements for the project were handled by above and below ground systems.
In addition, this project reduced the amount of impervious surface on the site by 15 percent with the new site plan.

Congratulation to all of the 2019 MSCA STARR Award winners!
Check out the full list of this year’s winners: