Is Essential

In today’s rapidly changing world, protecting wetlands is not just an option; it’s an obligation. Whether you’re designing a new development or expanding an existing structure, a strong understanding of wetland resources is critical. At Sambatek, we are committed to safeguarding these vital ecosystems while helping you achieve your project goals. Our expertise lies in delineating wetland boundaries and working closely with regulatory agencies to ensure compliance and minimize environmental impact. Let Sambatek delineate wetland boundaries and work with regulatory agencies to help you achieve project goals. Together, we can pave the way for a sustainable and ecologically conscious future.

Markets We Serve

Wetlands Services


Agency Permitting Identifying and obtaining key approvals to keep your project on schedule.


Environmental With decades of regulatory experience, Sambatek’s environmental team is prepared to help you succeed.

Environmental Review

Environmental Review Permitting services that help you satisfy regulatory requirements and avoid costly delays.

Environmental Phase I ESA

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments ESAs protect from property liabilities; we can offer crucial guidance.


Wetlands Bringing your vision to life while considering fragile wetland resources.

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Sambatek Services

Sambatek’s body of services includes civil engineering, land surveying, environmental services, and site planning. Let our expertise help your next project be successful.

Civil engineering Environmental Planning Surveying All